I was once told by a CPA that 95% of new businesses fail in the first 5 years. If I could succeed, I thought I should write a book of how to do it. So here it is: “Amusement Machines: Your Route to Success”.
Doing so also gave me the opportunity to start a publishing business and direct mail experiences.
My first publication was in 1981 with an updated version in 2003. The publication is sold out now.
A digital copy will be available for purchase later
this year.
A revision of the “Vending Machines: Your
Route to Success” will also be available for
purchase later in 2022.
Books / Resources
The “Pinball Collectors Resource” is among
my arsenal of go-to material for a quick way of confirming and dating manufacturing. I was first introduced to it before publication. A printing of 500 was not released until legal battles were resolved. I had waited a couple years for that to happen after ordering the set of two books. The smaller pocket version was something I carried with me on the road and into remote warehouses and garages. Years later I found a set of three that included the “Pinball Reference Guide” on eBay. You can still find the set pictured here. These are something any collector should not be without.
If you have anything you have published about the pinball industry and would like some exposure, please let us know.